
The Rebel Legion is a world wide Star Wars costuming fan club.
Our members celebrate creating, owning, and wearing costumes of the heroes, Rebels, Republic Forces and various creatures as featured in the Star Wars films, animated series, and the Expanded Universe.

The Endor Base chapter serves:

  • Northern California
    • San Francisco Bay Area Region
    • Sacramento Region
  • Central San Joaquin Valley Region (Fresno, Visalia)

Rebel Legion Endor Base

“May the 4th” Event Requests

Please be aware that we are in very high demand during the time period between April 26th and May 11th. We recommend getting your requests in as soon as possible. We are all volunteers, and while we will try to accommodate as many requests as possible, we will unfortunately have to decline some events due to lack of availability. We thank you for your understanding.

A word on Alaskan Membership, Events, and Requests

As of December 2020, our Alaskan members have officially been able to split off into their own outpost, separate from Endor Base. The Denali Outpost has teamed up with their local 501st Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, R2 Builders, and Galactic Academy in order to fulfill event requests. Event requests and membership inquiries can be made at The 501st Aurora Borealis Garrison website. Endor Base wishes our Alaskan sisters and brothers the best of luck with their new outpost!

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Advisory

Update: July 23, 2021 Endor Base will once again be taking requests for larger events. We will still be following local health guidelines. We will continue to wear PPE and practice social distancing where necessary, and will continue to not allow event attendees to handle our props and non-promotional materials.

Update: May 3, 2021 As vaccinations are becoming more widespread and healthcare systems are beginning to become less overwhelmed, Endor Base is now tentatively taking requests for small, in-person events that fall within an area’s local health guidelines. We will continue to practice social distancing, the wearing of personal protective equipment, and hand sanitizing for the foreseeable future. At this time, we will not be allowing event attendees to handle any of our props and non-promotional materials.

In addition, the past year has given Endor Base a good opportunity to work on expanding the types of virtual events we are able to provide. From social media campaigns, Zoom meet-and-greets, fundraisers, and recorded video skits, we’ve done a little bit of everything! Endor Base Command Staff would like to extend our deepest thanks to both our members–who have taken this challenge head on and come out with an even stronger bond–and to all of those who have requested and supported us, in turn allowing us to support you. Thank you, and May the Force be with you!